Storage tents for events
Awning hangars for events
Awning hangars are a practical and convenient solution not only for storing your belongings, but also for your upcoming event. Most of the time, when we are planning an event or other event with a large number of people, we start thinking about renting a space. Then, naturally, a whole host of questions arise that must soon be answered: where to find a space of the right size in an area that is convenient for everyone, whether to choose the whole building or just one room. Even if you find a very attractive space in a convenient location, you may be disappointed to learn that the space is already booked for the day you need it. Finally, the price can be disappointing – if the venue is large and in an attractive location, you should be prepared to pay quite a lot.
Of course, to avoid these concerns, it is worth looking at other alternatives, such as prefabricated hangars.
Of course, to avoid these concerns, it is worth looking at other alternatives, such as prefabricated hangars.
Tented hangars for events have many advantages: they are easy to choose the right location, mobile and can accommodate a large number of people. By choosing hangars, you will save a lot of time searching for a venue – prefabricated hangars can be built anywhere the ground is level and solid. Of course, when assembling, do not forget to pay attention to the size of the shed, as larger sheds require much more space.
Many would say that renting your chosen venue means you can do your celebration or other event almost immediately. Of course, this is true. However, it is worth bearing in mind that when renting a venue, there are time limits – specific times when you can arrive and leave. Fixed departure times can sometimes cause tension or other unpleasant emotions. Events in hangars, meanwhile, can run indefinitely. Hangars can also be built very quickly, in just 1-2 days, so you won’t have to wait long.

The cost of tarpaulin hangars is not equivalent to the cost of renting space. Of course, renting space is likely to cost less than buying an awning hangar at the time, but in the long run – awning hangars can pay for themselves. STOREX can also offer you another alternative – the rental of awnings, which will certainly not drain your budget.